Normally I would just delete this tripe & move on but it kept asking for a review...
The graphics are cheap and unsophisticated making you feel as though you are stuck in a 1980s game show audience hell with blue collar imbeciles shouting out wrong answers.
Past that you are confronted with a timer you can not turn off, why its there I have no idea - who exactly are you timing yourself against? And who cares?
There are far more interesting games if entertainment is your goal so this falls squarely into the brain exercise category... As such you are given dumb clues to often dumbed down words or not even words at all - rather slang, acronyms, etc.
Instead of sharpening your mind, or expanding your vocabulary you are training some shut-in programmers weirdness into your thoughts.
Hang around with smart people and grow, sleep with dogs - wake up with fleas. This game will give you the latter.
Mr.Picky about Brain Gems Lite